Saturday, February 7, 2009

What...what happened? How did we get here?

That is how I feel, as the last two weeks have been an absolute blur. Kai's picture sums it up well. A lot has been going on since Jan 17, so I'll try to keep things as organized as possible while I progress through the period of our life I will refer to as "The 'AHHHHHH!!!!1!*' Period (TAP).

Jan 17 - Present
I'll start with the events that have going on for the entirety of TAP as they set a good basis for the "A" in TAP. Hang with me through these less interesting parts, and I promise it will get better.

I am currently in the middle of two academic classes that are consuming the vast majority of my free time. The first class is COML 501: Methods of Organizational Research. It's an online graduate class that's part of Gonzaga's MA in Communication and Leadership. I won't go into much detail apart from the fact that it has required upwards of 300 pages of rather dry reading, a hypothesis formulation and a 12-page intro, literature review and hypothesis introduction.

The next class is really a bunch of classes put together, called Squadron Officer School. It's one of the Air Force's Professional Military Education requirements. There are two ways to complete SOS: in-residence or by correspondence. Completing it "in-residence" looks better on your military resume, but in order to get a slot to attend in-residence, you pretty much have to complete it by correspondence first. Slightly confused as to the logic of that? So am I. Whatever. When you enroll in the correspondence course, you are given one-year to complete it. My goal is 8 weeks. You know what they say: shoot for the moon...

Jan 17 - Jan 31
Now on to a smaller time frame. Despite the busyness of school, this was a pretty fun time as we were getting ready for Aiden's 3rd birthday. We had plans to drive up to Teaneck, NJ to go to the Children's Museum of NJ and to hang out with some good friends that we hadn't seen in a while. This was the first birthday where Aiden actually understood what was going on, so it was both hilarious and heart-breaking when he would tell us on a daily basis, "It's my birthday today. Can I open presents?" I think we ended up letting him open one on a particularly pathetic day, but it barely made a dent in the huge pile he had accumulated from family and friends.

The day prior to our leaving for Teaneck, Kate made Aiden's much anticipated cake. Initially, he had insisted on a sheet cake with a T-rex on top. He changed his mind short-notice to a rather complicated triceratops cake. Of course, Kate is Supermom, so she took on the challenge. The results were pretty amazing.

When all was said and done, the cake was eaten, presents were opened, Aiden had fun at the party, and Kate and I had a great time hanging out with good friends.

Feb 1
But all was not said and done. February 1 may have changed our lives forever.

(Note: Slight exaggeration may occur in the next few paragraphs)

On February 1, 2009, Kate and I decided that we would stop by Ikea on the way home from Teaneck to buy our son a new bed. It was his birthday, we had just received our tax refund, and we were sick of Aiden waking up in the middle of the night because he had whacked his head while rolling over. Seemed like the perfect time. As we entered the store, all felt right in the world. Nothing in particular had happened, that's just the way Ikea makes you feel. :::Siiiiigh:::

As we rode up the elevator to the showroom floor, Kate and I let out a collective squeal as we simultaneously spotted the sign for the "Ikea Children's Playplace" We had seen this wonderland last time we were at Ikea, but were not able to take advantage of it since Aiden wasn't potty-trained. But now, Aiden could pop-a-squat with the best of 'em, and we were about to embark on an Ikea adventure whilst our eldest son frolicked in the supervised gloriousness of twisting slides, tumbling mats and an oceanesque ball-pit.

One height measurement and a kiss later, Kate and I were free to roam the store with only sweet Kai, who is more like a miniature cherub than a human child, while our "spirited" boy dashed off towards Toddler Utopia. As we passed the large plate glass window looking into the playplace, I looked up to see Aiden do a perfect belly flop off a three-foot platform into the ballpit. He emerged with a look that can only be described as rapturous, and immediately made his way back to the platform for another go. Kate and I smiled, Kai gave us a look that said, "Finally, just the three of us. I promise to meet every expectation you have of me for this trip. If I get hungry, tired or deficate in my diaper, I will politely let you know my screwing up my nose and letting out the tiniest, closed-lipped whine" and we rounded the corner into the Ikea Children's Section.

Nothing of note occured in the next 45 minutes. We picked out a bed, mattress, a sweet tent canopy for the new bed, some shelves and a few little odds and ends that Ikea masterfully places around the store. At one point, a lady asked where we had picked up the beautiful angel sculpture. We explained that it was actually our son. She blushed and apologized, we smiled, Kai politely nodded and we went on our way.

When we picked up Aiden, his hair was a mess, his face was red and sweaty, and in a feat that would have confused any other parent, his shirt was on backwards and he was wearing some other kid's pants. Business as usual. As we cheerfully made our way to the downstairs showroom and furniture pick-up, we had no reason to suspect that our wonderful day had already begun to sour.

Once downstairs, we strolled through the meandering aisle that leads towards the checkout and through another few thousand square feet of amazing Ikea merchandise. Aiden was slightly worn out at this point, so I had him in one cart, and Kate was pushing Kai in another. When we arrived at the floor rug section of the showroom, I walked to the right of the aisle to browse the huge area rugs, and Kate veered off to the left to peruse some other treasures. Aiden was visably tired at this point, and it was then that he triggered the total ruin of our day with four little words:

"Daddy, I want Mommy."

"Sure, buddy," I replied, and I lifted him out of his seat and stood him on the floor. As he started off towards Kate, I turned and watched him to ensure he made it there safely. My eyes were not enough. As he approached the aisle, several things happened at once. First, Aiden went from walking to running. Second, I noticed that he was completely invisible to oncoming cart traffic as he was hidden behind a rather large table piled high with rugs. Third, Kate and I noticed that there was significant cart traffic. Fourth, we both yelled at Aiden to stop. Fifth, Aiden did not stop.

As Aiden bolted out into the aisle, he found himself face-to-face with a rather menacing looking Ikea shopping cart driven by a particularly dazed looking customer. (I do not blame the customer for what happens next. Ikea dazes us all.) Time slowed down. Aiden clenched his jaw and half-squatted in preparation for the attack. The shopping cart surged forward, knowing full-well that its sheer size and metal composition gave it a distinct advantage. Aiden, looking like a Spartan warrior in a backwards shirt and too small pants, engaged the enemy. The outcome was swift and definitive. Aiden used his eye to parlay the initial blow, but as he repositioned for a retalitory strike, the cart quickly redirected its attack to Aiden's rather vulnerable forehead. The sound of iron striking skin and bone filled the store and was quickly replaced by the agonized cries of the fallen warrior. Aiden had been defeated. The shopping cart and its driver laughed mercilessly and continued on in search of its next victim. (Not really, but me telling the lady it wasn't her fault and her profusely apologizing doesn't really add to the story.)

Aiden was crying fairly hard, but no harder than any other toddler would be after having their butt handed to them by a large metal object. He was holding his forehead, and I knelt down and gently removed his hand to see how large the bump was. There was no bump. At least, I couldn't see one under the blood that was smeared and streaming down his face. I quickly put my hand back on his forehead, and as calmly as a could said to Kate, "Um, he's bleeding quite a bit. Do you have a rag." Kate fished a cloth out of our diaper bag, and a rather nice older lady handed us a handful of wet wipes from a packet she was carrying around in her purse. As I held the rag on his head, I readied a wet wipe to clean away the blood and survey the real damage.

I must admit that from the amount of blood, I was prepared to see skull, multiple lacerations, or a piece of shopping cart embedded in his head. As a wiped the blood, my heart dropped...then soared. About two inches above and to the left of his left eye, there was a cut about a quarter-inch in length. I'd seen pimples that looked worse. It was still bleeding pretty bad, but I knew that some direct pressure would be enough to stop the flow. My heart then soared even higher. Not because the wound was minor, but because I realized that my son was both brave and a military genius.

When encountered with a more powerful adversary, Aiden's courage had led him to stand his ground and attempt battle. However, in the heat of battle and amidst the fog of war, he realized that his sound judgement had been overshadowed by his enthusiasm for a good fight. He then had the presence of mind to change strategy mid-attack. While his wound wasn't incapacitating, he knew the speed at which it had been afflicted was indication that he was facing a more dominant opponent, and that defeat was inevitable. He then quickly changed to a new stategy: deception. While the tactics of the shopping cart were brutal, Aiden knew that it would still maintain its honor in battle. Based on this, Aiden knew the cart would no doubt cease its attack if it felt it had achieved victory. He was correct. All it took was a flop and a scream, and the cart ended the attack and went on its way.

As I picked my bloodied warrior up off the floor, I said, "I'm so proud of you, buddy. You were so brave." He didn't answer me, but as he looked over my shoulder towards the retreating cart, the look in his eyes reaffirmed my pride. His eyes were calm, confident and held a wisened look that said, "I underestimated you, foe. You may have won this battle, but rest assured my overconfident, metallic friend, you will lose the war."

I can't wait to go back to Ikea to see what Aiden has planned.

Feb 2 - Present
It's been a week since our Ikea adventure, and the results of that trip are still lingering. Remember when I said (about eight paragraphs up) that our day had already begun to sour? Well I guess Aiden picked up something from the ballpit. He has since passed it on to the rest of us. I took him in to the doctor on Wednesday, and he was diagnosed with a sinus infection and possible fluid behind the ear. Whatever virus Aiden got, Kate picked it up first, then Kai started coughing a bit, and finally my throat started to get scratchy.

For our current situation, Kai is still coughing, Kate is upstairs sleeping with a cold that turned into an upper respiratory infection, and Aiden and I have just returned from the doctor because he had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics the doctor gave him for the sinus infection. I alone maintain health, and have been taking Vitamin C like there is no tomorrow.

And now you know how we got here.

*For those of you who don't know, the "1" in a line of exclamation points is an exponential factor roughly equivalent to a bajillion exclamation points.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Overheard today...

"Mom! Swiper swiped my underwear!"

You can imagine the rest. That is all.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What I've learned from Indiana Jones

I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull for the second time today. Why? Because this one time when I was on TDY (aka "a business trip") I got to see it in a theatre and my wife wasn't with me. So we rented from our Blockbuster Online account so she could watch it too. That's all. Nothing exciting.

Anyways, getting back to the title of this post, here is what I've learned from IJATKOTCS (wow, that works so much better for movies like "High School Musical" and "Lord of the Rings") and the other Indiana Jones movies.

1. Archeologists are much cooler in movies. Indiana Jones wears rugged explorer gear and has an awesome fedora. I recently saw a real-life archeologist, and he wore running shoes with slacks and tweed suit jacket. The only things he had were thick glasses and an effeminate persona.

2. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome with a bullwhip. Rocky precipice? Bullwhip. Raging river? Bullwhip. Huge, angry German dude? Bullwhip. That sucker will wrap around anything and then you can swing away. Downside: unlike Spiderman's web, there must be SOMETHING for the bullwhip to wrap around. Upside: Spiderman's web doesn't make a terrifying "KWA-TCHSHHHHH!!" sound.

3. If you fly your plane in a straight line, you will get there faster and without jet-lag. The first time I took an international flight, they kept showing our flight path on the little TV screens. We left Atlanta and the morons took us all the way up past Greenland. I was freakin' exhausted for three days after we landed. They said the route had something to do with the "curve of the Earth" and "shortest route" but Indiana Jones has taught me better than that. We should have taken off, flown a straight red line to Florida, barely hit Florida and bounced off at a 75 degree angle onto another straight red line towards France, bounced off France at one more 45 degree angle and followed the straight line to Germany. We would have been there in 35 minutes, and I would have felt good enough to get in a fist fight with one of the larger, balder Deutchelanders.

4. The bad guys always find an easier route. Indiana Jones gets tossed over waterfalls, jumps out of planes without parachutes, rides rickety mineshaft cars and navigates labyrinths infested with poisionous creatures and booby traps. He fights and falls and problem solves and falls and runs and falls for fifteen minutes before he gets to his destination. And when he finally gets there, after all the blood, sweat and tears, who's waiting for him? The Nazis.

Nazis: "Hello Mr. Jones. We've been expecting you."
Indy: "What did you get here?"
Nazis: "What? What do you mean?"
Indy: "Seriously! How did you get past the poison darts, the pit of lava and the 3,000 undead natives protecting their sacred ground?"
Nazis: "Hmm. No idea what you're talking about. We just took those stairs over there."
Indy: "You've gotta be kiddin' me, there were stairs?! Son of a...I can't believe I didn't see those."
Nazi: "Yeah, they were clearly labeled, but it sounds like you've had quite a little adventure. How did YOU get past all of that?"
Indy: "Bullwhip"
Nazis: "Ahhhh, bullwhip. Good thinking."
Indy: "KWA-TCHSHHHHHHH!! :::exit Indiana Jones:::"
Nazis: "Indy, wait! Darn it, he always does that. All right, back to the stairs, boys. We'll head him off up top."
and finally:

5. Knowledge is worth more than treasure. Indy said as much at the end of IJATKOTCS, and I agree. If Indy didn't have all that cool knowledge about ancient languages, archeological history, spooky legends, dangerous wildlife and advanced survival skills, he would have died long before ever finding the treasure that his knowledge is worth more than. So why is he looking for treasure if he already has knowledge that is worth more? Because he's freakin' Indiana Jones and the Ark of the Covenant attracts more babes than a speech on Mayan culture.



IMG_2546, originally uploaded by dtdoyle.

BlogTag2009 is blowin' up, and I've fallen casualty. Here be da rulz...

  1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
  2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
  3. Explain the picture.
  4. Tag four people to do the same.
  5. No Cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

This is the fourth picture in the fourth folder, and here's the explanation:

It's my hijo numero uno, Aiden. He's looking svelte in his size 6, Mickey Mouse edition Huggies Supreme diaper. It's pretty obvious that he's been throwin' some weights around judging by the well-defined biceps, lats, quads and four-pack abs, and that's probably why he's rockin' the Crest Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste smile. You'd be smiling too if you looked that good.

That's it! I now pass on the tag. However, since I only know like...two other people who read this blog and regularly update theirs, I'm only tagging two:

  1. Capt. Christine Szumko: an outstanding AFROTC instructor and mother extraordinaire.
  2. Super secret squirrel blogger: you know who you are.

Thanks for reading. Peath out.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A big "###" on the holiday break

For the last 10 days, I have been blissfully unfettered. No work. No school. No obligations. No pants. Just a long, relaxing break with Kate and the boys. (Just kidding about the "no pants" thing. I'm pretty sure I had a pair on when we went to the mall last Saturday.)

Usually, at the end of a long break, I feel completely drained. The holiday excitement has ended, the disappointment of leaving friends and family has set in, and the adrenaline rush that accompanies getting an "enthusiasic" two-year old through airport security without it having to end in handcuffs or narcotics-grade medication has worn off and been replaced with a pounding headache and a blood-sealed vow of "Never Again". This year was different :)

After 10 days of wearing out my pajamas while hanging out with the family, reading books and playing Wii, I feel completely relaxed (apart from a sore bicep and shoulder from too much Wii Boom Bloxs). While I'm slightly disappointed that the break is ending, I feel confident that I'll be able to return to everyday life with better focus and fresh enthusiasm.

Who knew that vacations could actually be relaxing?


Three # symbols, centered directly underneath the last line of the release indicate the end of a press release. Now you can't say I never taught you anything...unless you already knew that.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The exciting things of 2009

Ok, so the new Harry Potter movie isn't what I'm MOST excited about in 2009. However, it's definitely on the list, and it was the first picture I thought of for a lead-in. Now that I'm going through the full list in my head, there are probably better pictures I could use but whatever, I've already uploaded it. Anyways, this list isn't going to be comprised of super cheezy things like "growing as a person " or "confronting the ghosts of my past" or "living and loving". These are events or activities that will have a definite date, time and place. On to the list!

1. The third and first birthdays of our two sons.
2. Kai's first crawl, walk, word, etc.
3. Our third child. Kidding.
4. Aiden starting preschool
5. Our fourth wedding anniversary . Traditional gift: fruit and flowers. Hmmm.
6. My promotion to Captain aka pay raise
7. Our first trip to "New York Citaaaay"
8. The new season of LOST. Err...I mean
9. Being half done with my Master's degree
10. A kid-free vacation...fingers crossed
11. Moving to a new house
12. The new Harry Potter movie. Obviously.
13. Making new friends at a new church and seeing old friends more often (this borders on "cheezy" but it's true and TECHNICALLY it will have a time, date and place.)
14. Buying a new computer and large, flat-screened, HD TV.
15. Getting PRK
16. More paintball
17. Making the final payment on the Honda Pilot we purchased last year :)

I'm stopping the list there because those are the things that came to my head easily. I could spend another 15 minutes trying to get the list to 20, but then why not try for 25, or 30?

:::pregnant pause:::

OK fine, one more.

18. I'm looking forward to more stories like this (transcript below for those who don't speak "excitable toddler")

Aiden: (I gotta) get his binoculars and his spotting scope and his camera and his gun and shoot all those animals away. I hear something, daddy.
Me: What’d you hear?
Aiden: A tiny, a, um a lion coming and starting to eat me...
Me: What came?
Aiden:...and I’m gonna shoot the lion.
Me: Oh a rhin..a lion.
Aiden: Uh huh. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Oh no. The lion, the lion ran away. Oo, I hear another animal coming. This time it’s big and bad…what you think is coming?
Me: What’s coming?
Aiden: Ooh, um, a sp.., UUM, it’s a little spider.
Me: A little spider.
Aiden: And the sp, and the little spider gets bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, and BIGGER, and first, it was a giant spider! I’m gonna shoot that giant spider. :::grunts:: Can you pull this trigger so I can shoot the giant spider away, mom?!